Thursday, February 25, 2010

7 Quick Takes

1. This was my day yesterday:
I started my day at the Preschool at 8:00, it was Pancake Day and I made 90 pancakes...none were left! I spent my morning wondering if it was a full moon because the friends were certainly behaving as if it was. I spent my afternoon working on Lesson Plans. Left work at 4:15, ran to the cleaners to get Mike's suit, ran to the store to get a new dress shirt, tie and belt for Mike's suit, went to Weight Watchers, went to Wal Mart to get Preschool groceries, went back to the Preschool to unload and put away groceries, went home ate dinner, picked up the house and then settled in at 9:00 for some computer time. After thinking about my day I realized that most of my days are like this and I really need to find some form of balance so, I can either relax more or have a bit more "me time".

2. I am thankful that a good friend of mine emailed me last week asking if I wanted to meet her this week for a pedicure. We are meeting tonight at 6:00 and going to Chili's after for dinner. So, it looks like today I will have both "relaxation" and "me time".

3. This morning is Mike's Oral Board Interview for Sgt. There are several guys going for only 2 spots. I've been torn on how I feel about this, basically because if Mike makes it he will go back on the road and work midnights. I've gotten used to his schedule now and like having him home at night and weekends. I was afraid to pray much for fear that I was praying for my needs and not thinking of my husbands. So, I turned it all over to God. Mike says he will be happy to stay where he is, but I also know he would take great pride in being a Sgt.

4. Laura Ashley came home from school yesterday very excited about an interview she has for her Internship Placement. She is going to school to be a Medical Assistant and X-Ray Tech and has an interest in also doing Physical Therapy. One of her instructors has been a very positive influence on her, likes her and has sought out a personalized placement for Laura to do her Internship. Laura has a interview with Dr. Buchanan who is a Chiropractor. If Laura gets this placement she will be able to use her skills as a Medical Assistant, do X-Rays, and train to do Physical Therapy. Based on what Laura's instructor has told the Dr. he is very interested in Laura doing her Internship and would like to train her to do the Physical Therapy, which means at the end of her Internship if she does good he will more than likely hire her.

5.Soooo...I "Re-Joined" Weight Watchers last night. I felt it was time to stop belly aching about how awful I looked and felt and realized the weight wouldn't come off on it's own.

6. I'm sooo hungry right now!!!

7. I really need some ice cream....someone please bring me ice cream....hurry I feel faint!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

7 Quick Takes

1. We are on the Letter Pp this week. I sent out an email to the parents reminding them of all the fun activities planned for the week. I stated I loved the Letter Pp, and a parent posted on FB that Miss Shawnie loves Pp....LOL!!! was Pirate Day...Tomorrow we're having pancakes for Tea Party, Thursday we wear pig noses and sing pig songs and Friday is Pajama Day!!

3. Today was soooooo much fun....until 10:30!

4. At 10:30 water started shooting out of the tank of one of our toilets. I had one friend washing their hands and another in the opposite stall of the shooting water.... Seems the City of Mount Dora was working on a water line at an apartment complex AND the Fire Dept. was draining hydrants and it caused all kinds of water issues at the Preschool.

5. From 10:30 on we couldn't use the potty or wash our hands.....Needless to say I called the city and said....."UH...HELLO I HAVE 37 PRESCHOOLERS HERE AND NOT GOING POTTY IS NOT AN OPTION"....HELPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!

6. We spent our day shuffling between the Preschool and the Church bathrooms. We had boys and girls sharing both the Women's and Men's RestRoom. One little girl in the Men's Room was taking an exceptionally long time, when she was checked on we found she was going potty in one of the URINALS......LOL!!!!!!!

7. I came home and opened a bottle of wine!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

7 Quick Takes

1. I've got a big pot of Minestrone simmering on the stove and I made homemade cheese/garlic croutons to go on a Caesar salad. We had steak, baked potatoes and corn on Sunday. Monday we had left over steak and mushrooms over buttered rice with fresh broccoli, Tuesday I made a Seafood Lasagna. {LOL...that was all for you Tiffany,who says she even enjoys reading what I have for dinner.

2. I am so over this cold weather, but I hate to complain because I really dread the extreme hot weather that I know is right around the corner.

3. Last Friday for the Valentine Party I greeted the children at the door wearing a red feather boa and a pink headband with furry, glittery, hearts bobbing on top of my head {don't worry I had clothes on too!} and one of the little girls was mad because my outfit was better than hers...LOL!!! I thought that was so funny!

4. I need to color my hair like BIG TIME..there is soooo much gray!!!

5. Still waiting on office space at the Preschool...Grrr!!!

6. I went last Saturday with Sarah Beth to see Dear was really good! Plus Sarah and I had a great day together. It's so important to get that one on one time with each child and I haven't had nearly enough one on one time with Sarah. Anyway, we hit the mall before the movie and I treated her to a mini shopping spree, after the movie we had dinner at Chipotle Grille. Sarah LOVES the burritos there!!

7. I was able to breath a sigh of relief when Valentine's Day came and went without Laura getting engaged. She has been dating Cody for almost a year and a half, I love Cody and they really seem to be a good match, he's very good to her, etc etc.... and I would welcome him as my son in law....PERHAPS ONE DAY! I am very vocal with both of them on the importance of them both finishing school, working, saving money, enjoying life, etc..etc...before even considering settling down. My back up plan was if he gave her a ring to verbally support a VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT!!! 19 and 20 is just too young don't you think??? I had just turned 20 when I married Mike and he had just turned 21...too young!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

7 Quick Takes

I seem to have trouble blogging, I always feel like I have nothing to write that is worth reading {unless it pertains to the Preschool. I've seen this 7 Quick Takes and kinda liked it and thought I would give it a try.

*So, most of you know my hubby is a Police Officer who works on a Special Tac Unit. Well on Dec. 23rd he was involved in a shooting at work. It wasn't his first time pulling his gun, BUT it was his first time using it. I found out when the Chief called me to say that he wanted me to know that there had been a shooting, but that "Mike was fine".

*Mike finally got released to go back to work just this week. He is still on "Light Duty", but I just found out about 20 minutes ago that they are on "High Alert" and will "be late".

*Due to the hours he works I have to be a very "independent wife". I had no idea how much I would miss him once he did go back to work this week. He has been driving me to work everyday, bringing me lunch most days, and then returning to pick me up after work and then of course he was here keeping me company while I cooked dinner, etc... This week I've been lucky if I've seen him before 8/8:30.

*Last Thursday Mike took the Sgt. exam and he found out on Monday that he passed. There is only 2 spots open for a Sgt. and there is about 20 guys hoping for it. But, here's the thing if Mike gets picked he will go back to working midnights/6 wks. on weekends/6 wks. off/he loses his FBI issued phone and car {which means we go back to paying for a cell for him {no biggie}, but we have to buy a new car because we gave mine to Laura to have for college, I drive Mike's truck now but, he will need a car to drive to and from work, he will gain $50/week, but loses all overtime and will be limited to very little off duties {which we also depend on}. We stand to lose more than we will gain, but it is his career and not mine. So, I guess what I'm rambling about is this....I haven't said one negative thing to him about this choice, but is it wrong of me to hope he just stays where he is???

*I was asked by someone this week what I could possibly be doing in the afternoons at the Preschool that would keep me so busy. Do you think it was wrong that I was kinda ticked off?

*I was also recently asked "Is it really that important to have everything just so so at the Preschool and is it really that important to schedule so many activities? Do you think it was wrong that I was really ticked off by that comment?

*Sometimes I really wonder if I should just open my own school...after all I already have a name for it....Miss Ladybug's Cottage.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I recently had a conversation with a parent regarding parents disciplining their child or more specifically NOT disciplining them. I have a fairly nice collection of Parenting Books that I suggest and loan to parents on a regular basis. I recently got a new one from Amazon titled... Making Children MIND Without Losing YOURS. I've only read a few pages of it, but here are a few things that have stood out to me that I wanted to share.

Raising a child these days can be very scary. Is it possible to bring up good children in such a crazy age?Sure, it's possible. But it's still scary.

Ever hear the term "it takes a village to raise a child"? We don't need the community to raise our children, we don't need the schools to do it, we don't need the government telling us how, we don't even need the church's to do our child rearing for us....we need parents to step up and do it. And we need everyone else - community, school, government, church - to support the parents in their efforts.

The time has come for an idea I call reality discipline. It's consistent, decisive, and respectful way for parents to love and discipline their children. {Notice I said "discipline" and not "punish". I said "love"and not "smother love".

Children, obey your parents, this is the right thing to do because God has placed them in authority over you. Honor your father and mother. This is the first of God's Ten Commandments that ends with a promise. And, this is the promise, that if you honor your father and mother, yours will be a long life, full of blessings. And now a word to you parents. Don't keep on scolding and nagging your children, making them angry and resentful. Rather, bring them up with the loving discipline the Lord himself approves, with suggestions and godly advice. The words I want to pay particular attention to are "obey", "authority", and "loving discipline".

Do I reccomend spanking? I believe spanking has a place, but in most cases it should not take first place. At the same time, I strongly believe that when we discipline children, their psyches are not in danger.

As parents we are all "Home-Schoolers". We should be teaching our kids every day that there are consequences for their actions, some positive and some negatives. That's one of the most important things they'll ever learn.

That's as far as I've gotten, but I have to say I will be reccomended this book!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day Book

For Today....Monday, January 18, 2010

Outside My is dark and cool

I am Thankful....for my life

I am Praying....for the families in Haiti and for my oldest daughter Kristen who is having a bout with depression.

From The Kitchen....take out chinese tonight, Tues. Grilled Chicken, corn and yellow rice. Wed. Chicken Casserole, fresh steamed broccoli, Thurs. left over casserole

From The Learning Rooms at The Preschool....Community Workers and Helpers, Mid Year Testing, CF Walkathon on Fri.

I am Reading....I just finished Light In The Snow

I am hire a new teacher soon...very very soon!

I am Hearing...the tv and the dryer

Around The House...well I cleaned today, and I'm finishing laundry now

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week....just trying to keep my head above water at the Preschool, its very difficult being so short handed!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Fun Day Back With The Baby Ducks

Another Facebook Note

It was like the first day of school all over for me today. I woke at 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep, I was really looking forward to seeing my Baby Ducks {it had been nearly 2 1/2 weeks!}. I wanted to look extra sassy so, I got up to get my outfit all put together and to make sure my hair looked just perfect {LOL}. I got to work and opened the door about 8 minutes early to those parents who were waiting {eagerly panting!} to drop their little ones off. I got lots of hugs {no better way to start your day!} and heard many sweet voices say "Miss Shawnie I really missed you"! "Miss Shawnie I love you", "Miss Shawnie, you look so cute today"{told you I had an extra sassy outfit on!}, "Miss Shawnie did you miss me?" and "Ohhhh...Miss Shawnie I like your boots" LOL!!!! During Circle Time I explained that I was going to go around the circle and wanted to hear from each friend what "their favorite Christmas gift was". Some favorites were: scooters, babies, Leap Frogs, castles, bikes, Wii's, etc... I told the friends that it sounded as if they got some awesome toys, then I said well I didn't get a scooter or a new bike or any Little Pet Shops toys....BUT! "Look What Mr. Mike Gave Me"! BAM!!!! A BIG OLE RING!!!! They all thought that was so funny and one little one said "Miss Shawnie you really are a Queen"!!!!! LOL.. Then we moved to art, since we are coming back mid week we are doing a theme on "Snow" {how fitting, since it's freezing out}instead of introducing a new letter. So, today's Art Project was a "Snow Man". I started drawing a snow man to give as an example except, I said since I was a girl I was making a "snow girl" instead of a snow man. I added eyelashes, "sassy hair" and when I got to the scarf I said I was drawing a "boa" instead because everyone knows how much I love wearing feather boa's!! Then I asked for them to draw their own snow boy or snow girl. to add detail and to use their imagination. I saw alot of great snow girls and boys. There was one that I commented on because it looked "rather interesting" so, I asked the friend to tell me about it. It was a snow girl with eye lashes, a really cute bow in her hair and had "boobies". LOL!!!! I had a dad who was running just a few minutes late so, "I kept his daughter company" until he got there. I was coloring something {yes! I color!}for my bulletin board and my little friend was talking to me and helping me by handing me the color marker I needed next. After talking for a while she says to me "Miss Shawnie aren't you glad I was able to keep you company until my dad gets here"? {LOL} I said YES! I am so glad "you" were able to keep "me" company. Then this afternoon after my napping friends got up we were all talking and I looked at one of my little friends and said "Hey, I just realized what is so different about you" "You got bangs"! She said yes, my mom cut them, you know she's a Hair Stylist. I said Oh that's right maybe I'll get her to cut my hair because I want a saasy hair cut. She looked at me and said "But, Miss Shawnie you already have sassy hair" {LOL!!!} I said "Yea I know but, I want an extra sassy hair cut. She said ok, I'll tell my mom.

I LOVE my job!!